Laura Herrero Garvin

Amén. Francisco responde
TV & COMERCIALSAmén. Francisco responde
The Pope: Answers
Disney+ y Producciones del Barrio.
Guionista y Jefa de realización.
Script and Head Filmmaker
Ten young people from all over the world meet in Rome with Pope Francis, with the aim of talking and conveying to him the main concerns of their generation. What awaits them is an unprecedented meeting, a face-to-face conversation, and a unique event. In this talk, guided by the young people's own questions, they will address such important issues for today's youth as migration, sexuality, gender identity, or religious freedom.
Diez jóvenes de todo el mundo se reúnen en Roma con el Papa Francisco con el objetivo de conversar y trasladarle las principales preocupaciones de la juventud. Lo que les espera es un encuentro inédito, una conversación de tú a tú, un acontecimiento único.